Vertigo Treatment in Lakeland, FL

Having Issues with Balance, Vertigo or Dizziness?

Your ears could be the cause. Problems within the inner ear can make you feel dizzy or unsteady, regardless of whether you’re standing, sitting or lying down.

Diagnosing a balance disorder is complex and requires the services of a trained audiologist. There are many potential causes — including medical conditions and medications. To evaluate a balance problem, we may suggest the following:

General Tests

These balance tests assess the cause and extent of the balance problem depending on your symptoms and health status.

A Hearing Test

Your balance system is part of the ear. It’s important to test both systems thoroughly when you have balance problems.

Electronystagmography (ENG)

This test measures eye movements and the muscles that control them, or imaging studies of your head and brain.


This balance test measures how your body moves in response to movement of a platform, a patterned screen or both.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BBPV) Assessment

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a non-life-threatening condition that comes in brief spells, triggered by certain movements of the body or head. Vertigo is a condition in which the patient may feel off balance, like they are spinning, or that the world is spinning around them.

BPPV, a mechanical problem located in the inner ear, occurs when particles known as otoconia become dislodged and travel to fluid-filled semi-circular canals that regulate balance. The presence of otoconia within these fluid-filled canals creates the sense of head motion, which causes your inner ear to send false signals to your brain to regulate balance. When there is a mismatch between what your eyes experience and what your balance system reports, you may begin to experience imbalance or dizziness.

With a BPPV assessment, we will test your eye movement. You will be asked to move from a seated position to a supine position, with your head turned 45 degrees to the left or right and held for 30 seconds. If you are experiencing BPPV, your brain will cause your eyes to move. If BBV is detected, we are able to treat the condition with a canalith repositioning procedure, designed to move the otoconia out of your ear canals.

Canalith Repositioning Procedure (CRP)

Canalith repositioning procedure (CRP), also known as the Eply maneuver, is designed to treat BPPV. During this procedure, you will sit on the edge of a bed or bench, moving into a position in which you no longer experience vertigo. At this point, we will perform a series of repositioning movements that are designed to move the otoconia out of your canals and into another part of the ear, so that they no longer cause dizziness or spinning.

It is of utmost importance that you do not perform this procedure at home on your own, as it could result in serious injury of the neck or back. If you are experiencing BPPV, visit us at Aspire Hearing for the canalith repositioning procedure. CRP has an 80% success rate of curing vertigo after one or two treatments.

Balance testing by our qualified audiologists provides a good idea of what is wrong and if we can fix your balance disorder or dizziness problems.

Let our balance testing get you steady on your feet again.

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